McLean Maunjili

Memorandum of Agreement with HESLGB

Needy and deserving students from Malawi Adventist University (MAU) will also benefit from HESLGB after signing a Memorandum of Agreement with the Board. In the Picture HESLGB Executive Director Mr. Prince Phwetekere, the Board chairperson Mr. Sam Kakhobwe, MAU’s(Lake View Campus) Deputy Vice Chancellor Dr. Manuel Kazembe, the Registrar for Malamulo Campus, Mr. Laurent Banyira,

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Adventist Health International Programme

LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY HEALTH PRESIDENT CHALLENGES ADVENTIST HEALTH ADMINISTRATORS TO BE INNOVATIVE The president for Loma Linda University Health, Dr. Richard Hart has challenged Adventist Hospital administrators, accountants and managers from across Africa to find innovative ways of running hospitals in order to get ahead of competition. Dr. Hart said this today when he had

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AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Prepare to learn with the one of the best University in Africa. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS The normal entry candidates must have six credits including English, Mathematics and any other two science subjects. As for the upgrading candidates, they should have a Diploma in Agriculture related courses.  Agriculture Departments Statements The Department of Agriculture is



EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Prepare to learn with the one of the best University in Africa. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS ​ The normal entry candidates must have six credits including English or its equivalent. As for the upgrading candidates, they should have a Diploma in Education and must have taught in secondary schools for at least one year.  Education