About Us
About Us
Our History
The Malawi Adventist University (Lakeview College) was established by an action of the Executive Committee of the Malawi Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. As early as 1996, the action was taken to upgrade what was the Lakeview Seminary to a Junior College. It was envisaged to offer four year degree programmes of an already existing University. At that time the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton was the best candidate. In 1999 the Malawi Union Mission agreed to run the four year degree programmes. In January 2000 the institution was opened as Malawi Adventist College. In the middle of 2006, the Malawi Union Officers, opened new negotiations with the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton for affiliation purposes.
By May 2007 the negotiations had reached a remarkable stage leading to the signing of the Affiliation agreement between that University and the Malawi Adventist College on 27 May 2007. Later the Institution developed from a Junior College to an affiliated University. These developments included Malamulo College of Health Sciences as a constituent college of the new University. For a long time, Malamulo College of Health Science had been offering certificate and Diploma programmes in Nursing and Midwifery, Lab Technology and Clinical Medicine. As soon as the college became part of the University, the process of developing degree programmes in the three fields of study was enhanced
Our Vision
A vibrant Christ-centered and student-focused university of choice in Malawi and beyond that is dedicated to distinction in academic pursuit, community building and innovation through relevant quality programmes and services.
Our Mission
To provide superior quality holistic higher Education in an Adventist Christian environment, to empower generations ably prepare for service to God through service to mankind in readiness for eternity.
Our Core Values
Faith, Integrity, Professionalism, Teamworking, Innovation.
Best and high quality education
Competitive enrollment
Successfully Project
Year of unbeatable experience
The Management Team

We Follow Best Practices
Lakeview College offers a wide range of programmes. To be accepted at Lakeview College applicants must fulfill all the respective application requirement for the course that they are applying for.
- Faith
- Integrity
- Innovation
- Professionalism
Our Accreditation.